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ZEN 禅 experience in Kyoto

People who want to calm your mind, away from busy life, ZEN meditation experience at ZEN buddhist temples in Kyoto would bring you something new to open your eyes. Also, for people who have kept doing maditation in everyday life, would feel higher state of mind, spirits and new discovery of mindfulness. Here, we introduce Zen buddhist temples which you can experience Zen practice in Kyoto. Tweet Tōfuku-ji temple Tacchu Shōrin-ji 東福寺塔頭 勝林寺 Shōrin-ji is one of 24 Tacchu, sub-temples, in the Tōfuku-ji (東福寺)which has the largest and the oldest existing Zen hall. It is also known as beautiful autum leaves place. You also can experience Sutra copying (写経) as well. Reservation required for both Zen practice and Sutra copying. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @ariel1162km (@ariel1162km) View this post on Instagram


Zen (Chinese: 禪; pinyin: Chán; Sanskrit: ध्यान, romanized: dhyāna; Japanese: 禅, romanized: zen; Korean: 선, romanized: Seon; Vietnamese: Thiền) is the Japanese term (and the most commonly used term in English) for the principle of dhyāna in Buddhism , and for Zen Buddhism, a school of Mahāyāna Buddhism which originated in China during the Tang dynasty (as Chan Buddhism, Chinese: 禪宗; pinyin: Chánzōng). Chinese Chan Buddhism developed into various other schools, including many Japanese Zen schools, to which the term "zen" in English sometimes refers. The Chan School was strongly influenced by Taoist philosophy, especially Neo-Daoist thought, and developed as a distinct school of Chinese Buddhism. Chan Buddhism spread from China south to Vietnam to become Vietnamese Thiền, northeast to Korea to become Seon Buddhism, and east to Japan to become Japanese Zen. The term Zen is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Middle Chinese word 禪 (chán), an abbreviation of 禪那 (chánn