
Showing posts from January, 2020

Kazusa 上総

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World Cosplay Summit

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Fruit sandwich

Fruit sandwich , (フルーツサンド) is a type of sandwich originated in Japan, consisting of fruits sandwiched between cream and bread. Related Pages External Links Pages go back

bento 弁当

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aizome 藍染

Aizome , also known as "Indigo dyeing," is a traditional Japanese dyeing technique with a history of over 5000 years. This method involves applying patterns to fabric using dye, typically creating white designs on deep blue or indigo-dyed cloth. Representative styles include "Aizome with white stripes" and "Aizome with white kasuri patterns." This technique is not only unique to Japan but has also been practiced in China and Korea since ancient times. The origins of Aizome can be traced back to Japan's ancient tomb period (3rd century BCE to 7th century CE), as evidenced by artifacts and murals from that era. During the Heian period, Aizome gained popularity among the aristocracy and samurai, developing into a form of textile art that reflected their refined tastes and aesthetics. Throughout Japan's history, Aizome evolved in various styles and techniques, influenced by different eras and regions. Its distinct designs and methods have

Manga cafe

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origami 折り紙 おりがみ

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Hara hachi bun me

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